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What is the Go programming language (Golang), and what is it used for?

By Victoria Li Published on April 12

Golang, often called Go, has a short history compared to other established programming languages. Birthed in 2007 at Google by a team including Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson, Go emerged from a desire for a language that addressed the perceived shortcomings of its predecessors. 

Languages like C++ offered incredible power and control, but often at the cost of complexity and error-prone code. Conversely, Java aimed for simplicity but sometimes sacrificed performance. Go sought a middle ground, aiming to be both programmer-friendly and efficient.

Go’s core strengths

One of Go’s defining characteristics is its focus on concurrency. Go empowers developers to handle multiple tasks simultaneously with ease. This is achieved through the use of goroutines (lightweight threads) and channels (communication pipelines) for efficient data exchange. This aptitude for concurrency makes Go particularly well-suited for building highly scalable applications that can handle a large volume of requests.

Beyond concurrency, Go emphasizes simplicity and readability. The language boasts a clean and concise syntax and semantics, making learning and maintaining code easier than languages with more complex structures. Additionally, Go is statically typed, meaning the type of each variable is declared upfront. This improves code clarity and helps catch errors during compilation rather than runtime, leading to more robust applications.

Efficient compilation is another cornerstone of Go. The language compiles directly to machine code, resulting in fast-running programs. This efficiency suits Go is well-suited for high-performing tasks like high-performance computing (HPC) applications.

Go also boasts a robust garbage collection system. This frees developers from the burden of manual memory management, a frequent source of errors and complexity in other languages.

Another major advantage of Go is its package management. The language offers a simple and effective way to manage dependencies and libraries, making it easy to incorporate pre-built functionality into projects. This streamlined approach fosters reusability and accelerates development.

The Go standard library deserves special mention. This rich library provides essential functionalities for various tasks, reducing the need to reinvent the wheel. From working with networks and files to handling data structures and concurrency primitives, the standard library empowers developers to tackle a wide range of challenges efficiently.

Powering modern applications

Web development is a major area where Go shines. Its efficient compilation and concurrency features make it ideal for building high-performance web servers and application programming interfaces or APIs. Go also readily integrates with popular web frameworks, further expanding its capabilities in the web development realm.

Network programming is another strength of Go. The language’s built-in networking support and low-level access empower developers to create efficient and scalable network applications. This makes Go a popular choice for building tools like command-line utilities and network daemons.

The rise of cloud-native applications and microservices architecture has further propelled Go’s popularity. Go’s ability to handle concurrency and its lightweight nature makes it a perfect fit for building modular, scalable services that can be easily deployed and managed in cloud environments.

The world of containerization also benefits from Go. Containerization is a technology that packages applications and their dependencies into standardized units called containers. These containers ensure consistency and portability across different computing environments. They encapsulate all necessary components for an application to run, simplifying deployment and enabling scalability. Popular containerization platforms include Docker and Kubernetes.

Go applications are well-suited for containerization due to their statically compiled nature and small footprint. This makes Go a popular choice for building containerized applications that can be deployed and scaled seamlessly across different environments.

Using Go for building Web3 applications

With its focus on simplicity, concurrency, and security, Go has emerged as a popular choice for building Web3 applications. Let’s explore how Go’s unique features empower developers in this space.

Building scalable backends 

Web3 applications often handle a high volume of transactions and user interactions. Go’s efficient compilation and garbage collection ensure applications run smoothly under heavy loads. Additionally, Go’s concurrency features enable developers to create backends that can handle multiple user requests simultaneously, leading to a responsive and seamless user experience.

Interacting with blockchains  

Web3 applications interact with blockchains through smart contracts, which are self-executing codes stored on the blockchain. Go libraries like “web3.go” simplify communication with blockchains like Ethereum, allowing developers to write code that can read data from a blockchain or even deploy smart contracts.

Security and reliability

Security is paramount in Web3, where applications often manage sensitive user data and financial assets. Go’s static typing helps prevent runtime errors, a common source of vulnerabilities in other languages. Furthermore, Go’s garbage collection automatically manages memory allocation and deallocation, minimizing the risk of memory leaks and potential security breaches.

Building decentralized applications 

Decentralized applications (DApps) are the cornerstone of Web3, offering a wide range of functionalities from decentralized finance (DeFi) to marketplaces and SocialFi. Go’s modularity and rich standard library make it well-suited for building complex DApp architectures. Developers can leverage built-in packages for cryptography, networking and data structures, speeding up development and ensuring consistency across different DApps.

Cross-platform compatibility

Go code can be compiled for various operating systems, allowing developers to build DApps that can run on diverse user devices. This is crucial in the decentralized world, where users can access applications from anywhere globally.

As Web3 continues to evolve, Go’s role in its development will likely become even more prominent. Its focus on efficiency, security and versatility provides a strong foundation for building DApps and infrastructure that will shape the future of the internet.